Daily Life. Information. Interesting Things. Fashion. Gossip. Lyrics

Selasa, 25 Mei 2010

Romance Is Dead

The plastic flowers you gave for sit on the table so unstable
And there is some greasy finger prints on the pre-wrote birthday card you wrote your name in
And I know that you make your effort
But I think you could do much better

A rose is blue and violets red
Say it isn't true Don't tell me romance is dead
So wake up you sleepy head
All your dreams are just a kiss away...

I ask you for a letter so you emailed, Have we failed?
Oh, you kiss with such a potential,
Then ask to speed up
It's not enough
Now I am carrying my own bags up,
17 flights of stairs, love

A rose is blue and violets red
Say it isn't true, don't tell me romance is dead
So wake up sleepy head
Think of all the magic we could make
All your dreams is just a kiss away...

You shouldn't take just valentine day
Just to show you love me
You don't need any money,
Just abit of imagination

A rose is blue and violets red
You say it isn't true,
Don't tell me romance is dead
So wake up you sleepy head
Think of all the magic we could make
All your dreams is just a kiss away

All roses blue and violets red
You say it isn't true
Don't tell me romance is dead
So wake up you sleepy head
Think of all the magic we could make
All your dreams is just a kiss away!


yes i'm drooling again and now not about nooka but about PotMeetsPop !

"Pot Meets Pop is not only a denim label for 'It'-conscious crowd. It's not only a denim label for people who's looking for up-to-date's identity. It's for every-figure who has a strong personality and taste. It's denim label for every figure who really know what they want, mix it with the reality and can solve how to achieved it. Basically, it is denim for everyday life. And Pot Meets Pop is the new Best Buddy."

tampak belakang :

IDR 375.000

tampak belakang :

IDR 350.000

tampak belakang :

IDR 375.000

tampak samping :

IDR 365.000

IDR 285.000


ini jam tangan udah gue pengenin banget dari kelas 1 sma dan belum kesampean beli ampe sekarang! aahh gooddd i'm drooling this nooka watch!!
adakah yg mau membelikan ini buat gueee puhleeeaaseee?? :'((
pertama yg ini edisi spongebob, oh nooo i'm a huge fan of spongebob!!

price : $150.00
and then.. Nooka and UNDRCRWN have come together to create a fun and colorful collaboration. The watch features a striped polyurethane band with a black ZenV display. Only 200 watches available.

then.. ZenH Hyper Space

price : $195.00
then.. Supremebeing, The Supremebeing logo is printed on both the aluminum zot style face and polyurethane band in bright pink, blue, and yellow. Only 200 pieces available world wide

price : $250.00
then.. 5D AP ZOO

then.. garbege zub

ini tampak belakangnya :


gimana pasti kalian juga DROOLING abis kaaann??
I <3 NOOKA !

Senin, 24 Mei 2010


yaaahh kok foto-foto reunian gue kepotong siihhh nyebeliinn!! ada yg tau gak biar lebih lebar kolom postingannyaaa?? help meee!!!

6 tahun berpisah part II

ini dia sesuai janji gue foto-foto pas reuni. walaupun agak burem fotonya abis pake kamera hp sih hehe yg penting ada kenangannya! hihi :B

yg ini sm eneng :)

ini azhari sm ilham tukang ayam bakarnya :D

ini sm siti dan ridha :)

ini bang fauzi haha

ini mahyudi yg gue salah panggil terus. gue manggilnya mulyadi mulu gara2 temen sma gue ada yg namanya mulyadi haha maap ye yud ;D

ki-ka: rizal, burhan, ridha, dhias, fauzi

dan yg terakhir ini gue sm ilham si pembina pramuka aseeeekk. btw senyum dia dari sd begitu terus deh gak berubah-rubah hahaha

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

6 tahun berpisah

jadi gini ceritanya kemaren gue reunian sd untuk pertama kalinya karna gue emang yg paling susah dihubungi dan paling jauh rumahnya dari temen2 gue yg lain. iyalah secara sd gue di jombang, rumah gue di pd. kacang haha bayangin aja jauhnya! pas pertama ketemu rada canggung abis pada banyak berubah siihh.. dan pada bilang gue juga banyak berubahnya dari pas sd (haha iyalah pasti tambah cantik kaan wkwk). kita janjian di pendopo sd gue dan dikit banget yg dateng! akhirnya kita samper2in deh tuh biar ikutan bakar ayam diruma ridha. pdhl itu gak termasuk dlm rencana loh tiba2 si ari ngajakin yaudah deh tanpa persiapan, ngumpulin uang 5000/org buat beli ayam, bumbu dll. pas dirumah ridha si ari sm fauzi yg beli ayam lamaaaaaa banget datengnya gue udah laper banget akhirnya apa aja makanan yg ada gue embat semua hahaha. jgn salah kurus2 gini kalo udah laper berat gue bisa makan kayak babi! haha. waktu terus berjalan ga disangka udah dr jam 4 smpe jam 11 malem ngabisin waktu bareng mereka. ternyata seruuu padahal awalnya gue males dateng abis ujannya deres banget! dan karna rumah gue jauh, temen gue si ilham nganter ampe rumah. hehe makasih yaa semuanya!

azhari, ari, dhias, mahyudi, fauzi, bayu, eko, rizal, nana, erik, lingga, burhan, ilham, ridha, siti, syifa, eneng, neni


foto-fotonya menyusul yaaa :)


"A Love That Will Last"

I want a little something more
Don't want the middle or the one before
I don't desire a complicated past
I want a love that will last

say that you love me

Say I'm the one
Don't kiss and hug me and then try to run
I don't do drama
My tears don't fall fast
I want a love that will last


I don't want a just a memory
give me forever
Don't even think about saying good-bye
'Cause I want just one love to be enough
And remain in my heart till I die

So call me romantic

Oh I guess that's so
There's something more that you oughta know
I'll never leave you
So don't even ask
I want a love that will last


I want a love that will last
I want a love that will last


So there's just a little more that I need

I wanna share all the air that you breathe
I'm not the kinda girl to complicate the past
I want a love that will last


I want a love the love that last
I just want a love that will last
Want a love that will last

Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010


Kamis, 20 Mei 2010

"To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing."
"Dream as if you will live forever, live as if you will die today." -James Dean-

My Future Plan

sepertinya baru sedikit yg gue lakukan untuk masa depan gue. untuk itu gue harus bekerja keras buat mendapatkan apa yg gue inginkan. gak mau ngecewain kedua orangtua gue yg udah baik dan sabar banget menghadapi gue yg sedikit keras kepala dan manja juga suka berbuat hal-hal ceroboh kearah bodoh haha. gue udah ikut tes utul ugm, dan simak ui tp ternyata emg usaha gue blm pantes buat diterima di universitas itu jadi di umb dan snmptn ini gue mau berusaha keras supaya bisa diterima di ptn yg gue pilih dan bisa banggain kedua orangtua gue. gue juga apply beasiswa ke malaysia semoga aja bisa dapet karna gue mau ngurangin beban orangtua gue. semoga Allah ngasih yg terbaik buat masa depan gue AMIN!

dan ngomong2 gue pengen banget masuk FISIP Hubungan Internasional biar bisa jadi Diplomat hehe. yg baca postingan gue doain yg terbaik ya buat masa depan gue, makasih :)

Rabu, 12 Mei 2010

Pernahkah kamu?

pernah gak sih lo berjuang demi dapetin seseorang yg lo suka? mau itu waktu, uang, perasaan, otak, tenaga, dsb. hanya agar seseorang itu memperhatikan lo dan bisa mulai menyukai lo. well, gue cuma mau berbagi saran aja kalo lo berbuat kayak gitu coba pikirin beberapa hal, misalnya:

> seberapa berharga dia

> seberapa cantik (luar-dalam) dia

> seberapa langka orang kayak dia

mungkin boleh mementingkan perasaan seberapa lo sayang sama dia, tapi jangan sampe itu membutakan mata dan hati lo karna walau bagaimanapun kalo lo berkorban segimanapun tapi seseorang itu memang menunjukkan gada ketertarikan, gada usaha ke elo, plin-plan, atau memang dia "bajingan" (maaf gue menggunakan kata kasar) tapi emg itu kata yang tepat kayaknya hehe. lo harus membuka mata dan hati lo buang perasaan "tapi gue sayang banget sama dia" karna itu hanya ngebuat lo jatoh, sakit, dan berlarut-larut dalam kesedihan. jadi buat orang-orang yg diluar sana yang emang pejuang cinta sejati gue pesen jangan cuma pentingin perasaan lo aja karna perasaan seseorang itu gak bisa dipaksa jadi kalo seseorang itu udah menujukkan tanda-tanda yang tadi buru-buru cari gebetan lain. alihin perhatiin lo kesesuatu yg jauh dari dia. lo boleh tambah aktifitas, jalan bareng temen2 lo, pokoknya hal2 yg positiflah. dan lebih baik lo cerita ketemen lo yg emang bisa membantu masalah lo itu. karna tanpa advice dari temen yg bener lo bisa mengharu-biru ria hahaha. oke sekian dari gue semoga bisa diambil manfaatnya ya. dan tulisan ini gak maksud menyinggung siapapun jadi maaf kalo ada yg merasa tersinggung yaaa :)


Selasa, 11 Mei 2010

lagi iseng2 ikut kuis di facebook eh nemu quote keren ini :D

"if music is alive jazz is the air that music breathes"

keren banget yaaa quote-nyaaa.. ih cinta banget deh pokoknya sama jazz! xx

Senin, 03 Mei 2010


we are sooo happy spending time together ;D

and we are andoers too hihi